Submit your MOC2021 paper to JJAP Special Issue!


You are cordially invited to submit a technical paper to our special issue of JJAP, an international journal published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics and IOP Publishing. The special issue will be published in August 2022.

The merit is that you can submit an extended version of your MOC2021 paper as a full-length paper and the paper will be reviewed in a short period of time.

The paper will be reviewed basically under the same policy as regular JJAP papers. Please cite your MOC2021 paper in the manuscript and include a brief description in the main text about what have been included as new materials in the present manuscript. For example,

  • New data that have never been presented in published articles
  • More comprehensive explanation of the basic theory and/or detailed deviation of formulas and equations
  • More comprehensive analysis of the data and/or in-depth considerations or new interpretations of the results

For more information on JJAP, please visit the following web site:

You can start the online submission process through the following web site.
The deadline for the submission is January 17, 2022. January 31, 2022

  1. Select “Submit an article for JJAP Special Issues”.
  2. Log in with your JJAP account. If you don’t have your account, create a new account.
  3. Select “Author” tab. “Start New Submission” page will open.
  4. Click “Begin Submission”.
  5. Select “Regular Paper” if you are a regular paper author. Select "Progress Review" if you are an invited paper author.
  6. Input information on your paper. For “Select Special Issue”, select “Microoptics (MOC2021)”.

If you are an invited speaker, your paper wil be published as a Progress Review Paper in the special issue.